get by an attitude alone. What you get is a white-hot mix of lethal riffs, lyrics about women and being a badass and a vocalist who sounds like a Bon Scott with a serious throat infection. On this release, they seem a bit more hard rock-oriented than on several of their previous albums (who are often worth the price for the cartoon covers alone), but that doesn’t prevent “Dead on Beauty” from rocking really hard, while “Hate Machine” sounds like a slowed-down version of a Supersuckers-song (not surprising, given that they recorded a split EP together) while their cover of Girlschool’s “Not for Sale” proves their bad taste is still intact. Even though Bad Dog Boogie has only been around for a few years, the guys in the band look as if they’ve been trailer park scum all of their lives (Cocknoose anyone?). Fortunately, they also sound like that: unapologetically rude, with balls the size of cantaloupes, but luckily also the musical chops to back it up. Again, nothing particularly flashy, just testosterone rock with scorching riffs, howling solos, a furious rhythm section, barked vocals and the occasional harmonica. Like many of their colleagues, the band probably worship at a shrine dedicated to Angus Young, but further influences like the Ramones, MC5 and The Hellacopters also stress their love for high-energy cock ‘n’ roll. These are the kind of guys that call an album Motorfucker and get away with, because there’s no one who has the guts to question it. That said, the band turns in brash but dedicated performances throughout their three originals and a cover of “Judy Is a Punk”: it’s hard to not sing along to the chants of “Mike Tyson (King of R’n’R),” while “13th Floor Generation” is as nasty as they come. Recommended if you dig moustaches, tattoos, the roar of muscle cars and drinking beer from the bottle."(Guy Peters